MDS Grad Showcase
As it wasn’t being broadcast through social media as much as it should, Media Design School hosted their annual end-of-year showcase. They highlighted the 3rd year’s final projects to potential investors, their former mentors and of course, the public 😉
It truly was an amazing experience, seeing all those creatives in one roof. From games to animations and to anything related to interactive media. Truly, it was a sight to behold.
Here are some photos that we took during the event and some games to look out for:

AklGameDev Meetup
With 2019 coming to a close in a few weeks. The NZGDA decided to host one last Meetup to cap off the year and welcome 2020. This year has been tough for the game dev scene in Auckland as the Meetups were put on hiatus due to the previous chairperson stepping down and no one taking the mantle.
Thankfully, one of our own council members here in the GDG decided to take it upon themselves to restart the Meetups and have big plans for it considering the recent development in the latter half of 2019.
This time it is something special as it is a combined event with Auckland Indies, the more chillaxed version of the Meetups as one might say.
You can know more about Delaney King over at delaneyking.com 🙂
Thank you for spectacular 2019 and hope to see you guys again in 2020!